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What is Marijuana?

The marihuana is a grey-green mixture of the dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds and of the flowers of Cannabis Sativa, or a plant of hemp. The main active principle of the marihuana is delta-9-tétrahydrocannabinol (another way known as THC). This chemical is also the psychoactif ingredient some hashish. The chemical causes unsettling it effects of the drunkenness of the marihuana. The quantity of THC which determines power and, as a result, subsequent effects of the marihuana.

Today's marihuana can be 5 times as powerful as the marihuana in 1970s. The levels of THC can beach from 0,3 to 4 for one hundred. Some especially cultivated plants can contain concentration of higher THC than 15 for one hundred. Several factors are involved in the determination of the power of a young plant of marihuana. It is notably: 1) climate and conditions of growth, 2) the genetics of plants, and 3) harvest and transformation calendar and procedures.

The marihuana is the United States more fluently used by some illicit drugs. Most users of smoke of the marihuana in cigarettes rolled at the hand (pronunciations) either in pipes or behaviours of water (pipes with water). However, the marihuana am not often used alone. Cigars Marihuana (blunts) are cigars where the tobacco was replaced with some marihuana and combined with another drug (champion horse often the cocaine). The marihuana can also be brewed in some tea and mixed in food. Drink and eat changes marihuana how the effects of THC show itself in the human body.

According to National Institute they Drug Abuse (NIDA) Community Epidemiology Work Group) (CEWG), a network of researchers that the tendencies of tracks in nature and diagrammes of consumption of drugs in the big cities of the United States, the marihuana are often combined with other medicaments. The champion horse, PCP, the formaldéhyde, syrup against cough and the codeine are sure of these other medicaments. It can be made without the user's being aware of the combination. As a result, risks linked for the use of the marihuana is possible be aggravated by risks of other concerned medicaments.

The smoke of marihuana contains 50 - 70 for one hundred more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than the tobacco. She also produces high levels of an enzyme which transforms some hydrocarbons in their form carcinogenic. Puff for foliated, smoke some marihuana in May augment risk of more cancers than made tobacco addiction.

Terminology concerning the users of marihuana varies from region to region and across its history. Often called pot, grass, reefer, bad grasses, of grasses, mary jane, or MJ - she can be rolled in pronunciations or used in pipes with water. Cigars Marihuana, known blunts, also became popular. He ya much more than 100 terms of the applied marihuana today. For a more complete list of the drug Marihuana slang terms click here.
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The consumption of marihuana in the United States

1970 - Baby boomers at the age adult - marihuana choice of medicaments

On 1979 in 60 % pupils of 12th tried the marihuana at least once

On 1992 in 33 % pupils of 12th tried the marihuana at least once - the lowest since 1979

On 1997 in 70 % pupils of 12th tried the marihuana

2004 - Control of the Inquiry into future results

8th year 16 % had tried, 6 % were current users (used in 30 last days)

Niveleuses 10th 35 % tried, 16 % current users

Pupils of 12th year 46 % had tried, 20 % current users

According to the Ministry of Justice, the marihuana is easily accessible in almost all corners of the United States. The individuals not only to buy some marihuana, them to grow. They determined more and more in houses, farms, in suburbs, in cities, and even in offices. The marihuana is also introduced illegally in the United States of Mexico, Cambodia, Thailand, and other countries for sale in our schools, streets and of rooms. To buy, to sell, to use, to grow and to have the marihuana just is illegal. Every State varies in its laws on the marihuana. He ya conditional laws, decriminalized domains, laws on compulsory screening, laws on medical usage, laws relating to the hemp, and CSED' S (Driven under the influence of drugs). Because of variances in laws, it exists also various on consequences and troubles to infringe these laws.

The national Institute of the stopped person Justice Monitoring s Drug Abuse Program (ADAM) gathers data on the number of persons stopped for adults a positive control with various medicaments. In 2002, they noted that, on average, 41 % persons stopped men and 27 % persons stopped positive tested Man in the marihuana. By studying the delinquent miners, they discovered that on average, 57 persons were stopped % men and 32 % stopped persons positive tested Man in the marihuana.

In spite of debates continued the policy concerning the legality of the medical marihuana, the clinical investigations of the therapeutic use of cannabinoïdes are now more spread than, any time in history. The use of term " cannabinoïdes « in a research by key word in 2007, more than 3400 published scientific studies were produced.

Drug dependency and abuse

Use of the long-term marihuana can lead to dependency to some persons, it is that they use the drug in a compulsive way, even if she interferes with the family, school, job, and entertaining activities. According to the national Inquiry of 2003 into drugs and health (NSDUH), one 21,6 million Americans of 12 and more years old were classified with dependency in a substance or of abuse (9,1 % populations in epoch). On it, 4,2 millions were tributary on some marihuana or ill-treated. The previous year, 15 % persons entering the programmes of treatment of drug dependency pointed out that the marihuana was their primary drug of abuse.

The consumption of cannabis was shown to augment the difficulty in trying to stop the tobacco to be smoked. It was brought back in a study comparing the abandonment of the tobacco at the adults who smoked some marihuana and some tobacco as well to those who smoked some tobacco only. The relation between usage of the marihuana and tobacco addiction goes on was particularly strong at those who smoked some marihuana every day at the same time of initial meeting, that is 13 years before the interview of monitoring.

Enviously to smoke, the symptoms of weaning, it can be difficult for the smokers of long-term cannabis to cease using the medicament. People who try to stop of report of petulance, sleep troubles and anxiety. They also have the display of an aggressiveness augmented on the psychological tests, with a peak about 1 week having used some hard drug.

Besides its responsibility of dependency, researches point out that the precocious exhibition in the marihuana can augment the likelihood of a life of problems of subsequent drug dependency. A study of more than 300 pairs of identical and fraternal twins, which differ on opportunity or not consummate some marihuana before the age of 17 years, found that those who had used some marihuana at the beginning had high rates of use of other drugs and problems of drug, later, in comparison with their twins, who did not use the marihuana before the age of 17. This new study underlines the importance of primary prevention, by showing that the precocious introduction of drugs is linked to a risk augmented by problems of drug later, and he gives more proof for the prevention of reason as which the experimentation of the marihuana during adolescence could have an impact on the prevention of drug dependency. One of the best methods of prevention is frequent and obvious of drug marihuana trials. See more information on the prevention of drug dependency for the parents.

Trial - Treatment - Hope

Recently, researchers showed that a group of the long-term marihuana heavy user the capacity to remember the words of a list was reduced by week according to the suspension of use of the marihuana, but he returned to normal in 4 weeks. A consequence of this observation is that, even after long-term marihuana, massive appeal, if a person leaves the consumption of marihuana, some cognitive capacities in May to be recovered.

However, the programmes of treatment aiming only at the abuse of cannabis are rare, partly because many consumers of marihuana to make it in association with other drugs as the cocaine and the alcohol. With more persons searching assistant to control the abuse of marihuana, researches concerned the means to overcome the problems of the abuse of this drug.

No medicament is currently available to treat the abuse of marihuana. However, recent discoveries on the functioning of the receivers of THC raised the possibility which the scientists and the researchers in medicine in May end up developing a medicament which blocks the intoxicating effects of THC. Such medicament could be used to tell relapses in the abuse of marihuana by reducing or by eliminating its appeal.

About 20 million workers are medicaments tested every year in the United States, in the upper thousand million dollar cost in 1. The body métabolise THC 5 in about métabolites before crossing him in urines of organism. Detectable quantities of this métabolites stay in the system during several days in several weeks after the use of the marihuana (according to the level of use). The urinary tests is then used to discern métabolites. Tests in laboratory can also discern the level of concentration of the medicament.

Test for THC is a means by which the employers can give environments of surer job, families can help in the break of the cycle of use, and the sports organisations can prove "clean" of athletes.
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