Most of users allege that his customs do not affect the public in general or his labor performance, but in accordance with the USA the Abuse of Substances and Mental health Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 19.5 million Americans older than 12 years of age were current consumers of illicit drugs.
The substances abuse affects to the work place - Of 16,7 million ages of illicit drugs to the users older than 18 years, 74,3 % was used on time finished or partially.
The substances abuse affects to the schools - 51 % of last year of secondary brought use of an illicit drug at least once in his life, 39 % in the last year, and 23 % in the last month.
The substances abuse affects to the system of penal justice - Approximately 64 % of the brave ones gave positive for at least one of the following medicines: cocaine, the opiates, marijuana, metanfetamina and fenciclidina (PCP). To add all these cocktails with the high costs of health services and the financial losses due to the violence, theft, material damages and processes, and of the price of abuse of drugs it turns in important, costing to the Americans more than $ 200 annual millions.
Our teams of measurement of they provide a qualitative indication of the drugs in the urine, nevertheless, these examinations cannot determine the quantity of the drug it is present and only they provide preliminary results. A more specific method must be used in order to obtain a quantitative assertion. SAMHSA and other regulatory agencies have established gas chromatography / spectrometry of masses (GC / MS) as method of definitive assertion.
As users of the System of POCT, the first essay will be carried out to his center and forward the samples of urine of the suspect you prove of field print to a laboratory credited by SAMHSA for additional tests. To assure even more defensive capacity of all and all the results of test of drugs, immediately after the suitable collection and procedures of test it is essential. We are going to work with you to develop a program of training and certification and to guarantee the integrity of the sample and result of the test. Our POCT centers of the system in inmunoensayo devices for the detection of the principal drugs of abuse Cocaine Detox Ki.
Cup - The test of falsifications KrollScreen Integrado Split Key Cup allows only one I go on from collection of urine and tests.
Dip Card - A "immersion and to read" device of test where the user inserts the device "straight in the urine.
Oral fluid - the easy One and commode, not invasive method for the detection of multiple drugs.
These devices offer results in three to eight minutes and they are easy to read with bands of color. Control panel of supervising the test process, and the minimal space and not scientific personnel can be used to administer the test. Wrapped in role aluminum devices they can be stored to temperature ambience or refreshed.
Several available configurations, including 5 - of you drug, 7 - of you drug, and 9-lth drugs devices. To be effective, the point of collection of tests of abuse of substances they must fulfill the same strict norms that do Medicare standard for the programs of work of tests legally defensible. The expediency of a product of test is useless if the results will not be faced the legal challenges. That's why our POCT System is a system, and not simply a product. With our POCT system, it is obtained:
Point of the devices of collection of tests approved by the FDA
Of individual form with bar code of the chain of care of the forms
Teams of compilation of the piece
Assertion which you do not try with negative results in our laboratory certified by SAMHSA
Of Insurance of the Quality and Program of Control
The centralized management of electronic information with statistical reports
The only result electronics options of reports
Formation to measurement for all the places
Assistance with the development of a politics for the point of collection of tests.
Call now. We can begin immediately.