Detoxication and of cleaning - Detox 1 and 2
The importance of the Purification and the détoxication of the body
Our modern ways of life augmented the number of toxins which pile up in our bodies. Most water which we drink contain chemical of contaminating. It can be about heavy metals as the mercury in hormones which are found in the contraceptive pills. (Number of male spermatozoons is going down).
The air which we sniff has less oxygen than of he ya 100 years old. He has more pollutants which are inhaled in the lungs from our minute till minute. A lot of our food is polluted by pesticides, hormones and chemical manures. Lack of exercise and stress adds to the burden of our body have to manipulate.
In short, our bodies are always bombed by toxins that our organs of elimination fight to withdraw him.
Problem deteriorates
Our body is to decelerate in their capacity to manage these dangerous substances, and in certain cases, lethal blockages are the destruction of organs. The illness of the colon, a renal illness and diseases of the liver are in quick increase especially because these organs do not work correctly and because they were neglected during many years.
In primitive cultures and even in our Western societies in 1950, it was normal to have 2 - 3 saddles a day.
In the today's society, is considered as normal from 3 to 4 saddles a week. This is wrong! - Dead wrong!
He ya official medical recognition of this crisis.
The Merck Manual, standard text of medical industry for diagnosis and treatment of diseases, says to us that the degeneration of the colon is in increase.
Diverticulose (a pocket or the bag stretching out of the wall of the intestine containing contaminated faecal subjects) of the colon augmented Manuel from 10 % of the population in 1950 to more than 50 % in 1987 and stipulate from now on that "all American adults will have hernia of the large intestine». It applies to all "modern" societies on this planet.
Diverticules is pockets which project across the wall of the colon in the body cavity who fill with ancient faecal subjects. A lazy intestine can keep kilogrammes of ancient faecal material, toxic and poisonous. It can be re-absorbed in the circulation of the blood, the organs to infect the body and can be at the real origin of various diseases.
There is now a simple way of detoxification of your body
After the research of some American doctors, Organic Nutrition Ltd developed a method of cleaning and of detoxification who will help to support the correct functioning of your systems.
Detox 1 and 2
Stage 1 is delivered in two parts - Detox 1 and Detox 2. Following stage is to make Detox 3 and 4.
For more information on Detox 3 and 4 please click here.
Detox 1 is conceived to augment slowly muscular internal action. When this target is reached Detox 2 is begun while at the same time they go on with Detox 1. Detox 2 is conceived to help to clear toxins and decomposing material.
We give a progressive but efficient approach, for cleaning and elimination of toxins which can be adapted to the needs of the individuals each. Route for the programme are sent with products and are easy to follow.
Detox 1 is delivered in form of capsules and of Detox 2 are possible be bought or in powder (to use in a drink) or in form of capsules according to your preference.
For your information, the version in powder of Detox 2 is the most popular.
Basic instructions:
Supplementary instructions are sent with every programme. These basic instructions are only sent to give you an idea of how much it is easy to make.
Detox 1 First
To begin, a capsule of Detox 1 is taken or with your lunch or the evening meal. (Detox 1 is not taken on an empty stomach). Then the following day, two capsules are taken with a meal. The following day, three capsules are taken.
They continue until you point out a difference from your normal intestinal transit.
For the purposes of example, let us assume that this border is attained at the end of 3 capsules. (Most people find their "level" between 2 and 5 capsules).
Detox 2 is then started (while going on with Detox 1)
You must then go on on this level during week. At the end of these seven days, you begin detoxification 2 then also while continuing detoxification 1 in.
You want to continue taking capsules 1 Detox with a meal, but you take now detox 2 - 6 times a day as well. The Detox 2 is taken at the same time between meals and meals if necessary, to assure you who you take 4, 5 or 6 times a day. Fact is that you want that the expression 2 of working detoxification thanks to your system all day long.
Detox 2 (as well as Detox 1) am then followed during 7 - 10 days. It overlooks you enough time the programme to help to débarasser of many waste.
Drink heavily water
Both expressions of detoxification must be taken with at least a glass full of water every time. To drink enough water is vital for the success of the programme. You should use at least 8 water glasses every day when the programme. (Preferably, not the sparkling mineral water, filtered water or if the distilled water proper disposition to drink). It helps you to be sure that all waste and toxins are evacuated.
It is simple to make
Therefore, as you can see him in what precedes, Detox 1 and 2 programs last about 2 - 3 weeks. Detailed instructions are sent with kits. It is simple really much more to make than you think of it. She is made as part of your normal day up to date of routine and can be made very at home or at job, etc..
You read over May to go for a course of treatment in a spa of detoxification or to clean or heard about somebody. It is about an important stage to be got on the road from a good health and you must be part of your programme of health-enhancing.
As for all our products, we give a guarantee of refund, but more important still, we are there to help you to improve your health and to answer questions that you have in May.
We hope that to plan you sincerely to make a programme of detoxification and to get the advantages which are in waiting to be made.